We may be dealing with the mental health after-effects of the pandemic long after we’ve reached herd immunity. … READ MORE >
Health care
CHART OF THE DAY: Health care sector rides the SPAC wave
Amid the recent gyrations in the equity markets, special purpose acquisition companies, better known as SPACs, have continued to gain favor, particularly among retail investors flush with savings. And in the middle of this frenzy is the health care sector. … READ MORE >
This year may be the busiest ever for health care and life sciences deal volume
With a flurry of deals in the health care sector already announced, this year promises to be an active one for funding and M&A activity. … READ MORE >
The case for assistance to state and local governments
More than 1.3 million state and local government jobs have been lost since December 2019. While this is the result of a broader economic shock across industrial sectors, we expect additional furloughs in state and local governments unless federal aid is quickly put in place. … READ MORE >
CHART OF THE DAY: As vaccination begins, health care remains underemployed
The health care sector remains 500,000 jobs below its pre-pandemic peak. Many have left the labor market to tend for families, care for children or because of concern for their own safety. … READ MORE >
The changing landscape of pandemic relief for health care providers
The importance of the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund and the ability to keep it are critical to health care providers, whose margins have been helped enormously by the aid. … READ MORE >
CHART OF THE DAY: Venture capital investment in health tech on track for record year
North American investment in venture capital-backed health technology and digital health companies hit a record through the first 10 months of the year, outpacing all of 2019 with two months to go. … READ MORE >
CHART OF THE DAY: The race to find a coronavirus vaccine
Scientists have been working at a blistering pace to shorten the vaccine development cycle from years to months in order to get a COVID-19 vaccine to market. With more than 190 such vaccines in development, there are several leading the pack. Here’s the latest on these efforts, as of Oct. 15. … READ MORE >
CHART OF THE DAY: Technology investments in health care poised to surge
After years of pouring money into disruptive technologies in the financial services industry, venture capital firms are turning their attention to the health care ecosystem as the pandemic upends traditional ways of delivering health care. … READ MORE >
Managed care organizations weather the coronavirus storm
It’s no mystery that major parts of the health care sector took a significant hit to the bottom line this year as hospitals postponed elective procedures to make way for coronavirus patients. But one area of the health care sector — managed care organizations — has weathered the storm quite well. … READ MORE >