This week, we explore an innovative artificial intelligence app used to treat mental health issues. We consider opportunities related to investments in women’s health. We also look at a few pharma giants, including two with a commitment to supply COVID-19 vaccines to Africa and one with a series of big ... READ MORE >
artificial intelligence
5 things to know in life sciences: Week of June 21
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a remarkable tool where a small device is implanted in the body with leads carefully placed at critical spots in the brain. The tool can help manage symptoms of some neurodegenerative diseases. Now, a new generation of devices from Medtronic offers additional tools to ... READ MORE >
5 things to know in life sciences: Week of May 24
Over the past year, there has been a simmering dispute between hospitals and pharmaceutical companies over the 340B drug pricing program. This week, the United States Department of Health and Human Services weighed in strongly on the side of the hospitals. We also look at the discussion at the World Trade ... READ MORE >
5 things to know in life sciences: Week of May 10
There are a few key milestones in the life cycle of a biopharma: raising your series A, starting your first clinical trial, going public and, for an increasing percent of companies, launching your first drug on your own. But developing a drug and successfully launching it requires different expertise and ... READ MORE >