Canada’s housing supply has faced chronic shortages in recent years. Prefabricated construction could help lower costs, speed construction and improve affordability. … READ MORE >
Canada housing
The case for the Bank of Canada to accelerate rate cuts
With restrictive financial conditions, high interest rates and still-elevated inflation, the Canadian economy has come to a standstill and is now at a tipping point. … READ MORE >
As Canada pledges to restrain spending, it confronts a housing crisis
In its Fall Economic Statement, Canada pledged to bring spending under control, while at the same time announcing initiatives to ease the shortage of housing. … READ MORE >
Amid Canada’s housing crunch, some move in with other generations
The multigenerational trend is being driven in no small part by necessity as younger buyers and new arrivals to Canada search for a place to live. … READ MORE >
Canada has an acute shortage of housing. Easing regulations would help solve that.
Canada’s housing crisis keeps getting worse. The latest Housing Supply Report by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation concluded that the level of new construction is too low to address the long-term housing supply gap. The housing supply grew by only 1% in the first half of this year, according … … READ MORE >
Canada’s economy contracts as higher interest rates take a toll
Gross domestic product fell by 0.2% in the second quarter, according to data released by Statistics Canada on Friday. On a monthly basis, GDP fell by 0.2% in June after a 0.2% increase in May. … READ MORE >
Housing proved a drag on Canada’s economy in the second quarter
Canada’s real gross domestic product rose by 0.1% in June from May amid a slumping housing sector, and by 3.3% overall for the second quarter. … READ MORE >