No longer an industry of its own, energy is increasingly an ecosystem with complex interdependencies. … READ MORE >
In global shift to renewable energy, Canada risks being left behind
A low carbon economy will lower costs for businesses and nullify the need for the consumers’ carbon rebates, making it a winning equation for the government, businesses and consumers. … READ MORE >
3 things to know in energy: signs of oil upswing, petrochemicals in Canada, Biden’s jobs plan
Biweekly, we round up news and analysis about three things going on in the energy industry that we think you should know about. Here’s the latest. … READ MORE >
Top energy trends for oil and gas companies to watch in 2021
2020 was a volatile year for the energy industry. Many challenges remain as the pandemic continues, the energy transition accelerates, and policies change under the Biden administration. Here are eight key energy trends oil and gas companies should watch. … READ MORE >