On Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics will publish its jobs report for January. This month's report will take on added significance because it will include its annual benchmark revision and updated seasonal adjustment factors of the establishment survey, which includes nonfarm payrolls, employment, ... READ MORE >
establishment survey
Expect strong U.S. jobs report for August, but the devil is in the details
We expect a net gain in total employment of 175,000 jobs and an unemployment rate of 4.2% when the U.S. jobs report is released on Sept. 6. In addition, we expect average hourly earnings to increase by 0.3% on the month and for the year-ago figure to cool slightly to a 3.5% gain. The key to any ... READ MORE >
U.S. January jobs report shows strong gains and significant upward revisions
The American labor market remained red hot in January and that strength will stimulate a discussion of faster interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve at its March meeting. The net increase of 467,000 in total employment on the back of a significant upward revision to the December estimate, from ... READ MORE >
November U.S. job data: A tale of two reports as unemployment rate fell to 4.2%
The American labor market tightened noticeably in November despite a slower pace of hiring, according to Labor Department data released Friday. Rarely has an estimate produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed such a divergence between the two surveys of the labor market—the establishment ... READ MORE >