As India has gained prominence in the global economy, its central bank, the Reserve Bank of India, has wisely increased the level of foreign exchange holdings. These reserves are necessary to maintain payments for imports should there be a global economic financial crisis or a sudden devaluation of the ... READ MORE >
foreign exchange
Dollar ascendant? Why the dollar’s dominance will not fade.
Following a decade-long rise in the dollar’s value, declarations of its end as the world’s reserve currency are in vogue. With the days of zero interest rates giving way to higher rates, elevated inflation and rapidly changing rules of trade, is there anything to this talk? Our answer is ... READ MORE >
CHART OF THE DAY: The strengthening dollar as the recovery takes hold
U.S. commercial activity is reflating back toward pre-pandemic levels. The recovery is showing up in the high frequency data and in an array of anecdotal evidence. Automobile traffic is increasing, for example, and container ships are backed up in San Pedro Bay, waiting to be unloaded at Southern ... READ MORE >