The strike by port workers along the East and Gulf coasts of the United States will provide a modest hit to GDP of a little more than 0.1 percentage points per week, or roughly $4.3 billion in lost exports and imports. … READ MORE >
New York Federal Reserve
RSM US Manufacturing Outlook Index: Malaise continues in June
The best that can be said about manufacturing activity in five regional Federal Reserve banks is that it has moved more-or-less sideways over the past three months. … READ MORE >
RSM US Manufacturing Outlook Index: Slowdown continues into April
Overall manufacturing activity remains at 1.85 standard deviations below normal, a level consistent with past recessions. … READ MORE >
RSM US Manufacturing Outlook Index: Slowdown continues
The downturn in manufacturing in the United States continued in December and January, according to the RSM US Manufacturing Outlook Index. … READ MORE >