No surprise came from the third-quarter Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey on Monday as most major indicators pointed to improvement in lending sentiment. The improvement was likely a direct result of the Federal Reserve’s rate pause in September as the central bank began to rebalance its policy to a less hawkish stance. … READ MORE >
Financial services
SEC expands regulation of private fund advisers
These rules will require registered advisers to private funds to provide quarterly statements to investors, obtain annual audits for the private funds they advise, and obtain either a fairness opinion or valuation opinion in connection with any adviser-led secondary transaction. … READ MORE >
Financial services update: FedNow, banking results, reinsurance disruption
In the latest installment of our monthly financial services update, we take a look at the upcoming launch of the Fed’s instant payment system, banking results for the first quarter and disruption in reinsurance. … READ MORE >
Bank deposit carousel continues as investors search for yield
The large gap between money market funds and bank deposit rates as well as what the banks themselves can obtain risk free at the Fed’s repo facility implies that cash will continue to move into the short end of the curve. … READ MORE >
Financial services update: Q4 banking, AI-powered funds, regulatory proposals
In the latest installment of our monthly financial services update, we take a look at banking results from the fourth quarter of 2022, artificial intelligence-powered funds, and two regulatory proposals. … READ MORE >
4 areas of focus for financial institutions in early 2023
Despite the lift in financial institutions’ net interest margins from unprecedented rate hikes, the headwinds facing the industry through declining macroeconomic conditions are creating unique downside risks for the nation’s banking system.
Still, the strong capital positions of the nation’s banks have positioned them to weather such headwinds if they prioritize accordingly. Here are four areas to pay attention to as the year progresses. … READ MORE >
Financial services update: NIM growth, fintech recap, nonbank financial institution oversight
In the first installment of our monthly financial services update, we take a look at how financial institutions can sustain net interest margin growth, how fintech finished out 2022 and a rule proposed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to create a registry of nonbank financial institutions. … READ MORE >
Private equity deal activity remains resilient despite leveraged loan market
Private equity faces a number of headwinds in 2023; yet opportunities still await deal-makers in this sector, which is sitting on close to $800 billion in dry powder. … READ MORE >
Venture capital trends were mixed in 2022; expect them to converge in 2023
Venture capital investment trends from 2022 are expected to continue in 2023, as investors evaluate economic headwinds and take a cautious approach to see how conditions evolve. … READ MORE >
How remittances bolster emerging economies
Remittances are an important way that capital flows on a person-to-person basis from wealthier countries with strong economies to areas where opportunities are more limited. … READ MORE >