There is a link between disruptions to the flow of trade and durable goods inflation. … READ MORE >
Tariffs would fray Canada-U.S. ties in energy and auto manufacturing
Although a blanket tariff by the U.S. on all Canadian imports is unlikely to materialize in the first half of 2025, there is still cause for concern as selective U.S. tariffs are possible and would be disruptive to both countries’ economies. To illustrate this, look at energy and auto manufacturing — Canada’s industries with the highest exports to the U.S. … READ MORE >
U.S. port strike will have a modest impact on GDP
The strike by port workers along the East and Gulf coasts of the United States will provide a modest hit to GDP of a little more than 0.1 percentage points per week, or roughly $4.3 billion in lost exports and imports. … READ MORE >
Activity at top 10 U.S. ports signals softening economy; manufacturing activity contracts
February inbound container shipments at the top 10 U.S. ports hit their lowest level since before the pandemic, according to the latest available port data aggregated by Bloomberg. … READ MORE >
CHART OF THE DAY: The logistics of a recovery
The Port of Los Angeles continued processing record numbers of shipping containers in April, including empties necessary for maintaining the Asian supply chain. … READ MORE >
CHART OF THE DAY: Southern California seaports processing record number of imports
The Los Angeles and Long Beach seaports are processing an extraordinary number of import containers. Although the three months after the holidays are generally the quietest of the year, this first quarter broke records and that activity points to the tip of the global economic recovery. … READ MORE >
CHART OF THE DAY: Unexpected risk and a blocked Suez Canal
Just when optimism was returning to the global economy, a shortage of microchips threatens the automobile industry and a container ship gets stuck in the Suez Canal, threatening the global supply chain. … READ MORE >
The impact of Brexit on U.S. manufacturing companies
Plenty of questions remain about what the specific impacts of the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement will be, but some aspects – such as value-added tax and customs implications – have come into clearer focus in 2021. … READ MORE >
CHART OF THE DAY: An impending end to the trade downdraft
Loaded import containers processed by U.S. seaports grew by an average of 20% in the fourth quarter. And export activity — which is still worrisome in terms of global economic demand — was down less than 2% over the last three months of the year. … READ MORE >
CHART OF THE DAY: West Coast container activity suggests an end-of-year pause in the recovery
Import activity at West Coast ports continues to anticipate robust consumer demand despite rising prices and the first hint of a pause caused by the resurgence in the coronavirus at the end of the year. … READ MORE >