Economic growth amid high interest rates depends on two major factors: rising productivity and growth in the labor supply. … READ MORE >
Productivity continues to climb as investments take hold
The rebound of labor productivity in the second quarter is another sign of why the economy will continue to be on strong footing even as the labor market cools. … READ MORE >
Solow Residual: Total factor productivity and the U.S. economy
A recent study by the San Francisco Federal Reserve found that total factor productivity grew by a robust 4.99% on the most recent quarter after adjusting for factors such as labor, capital, utilization and worked hours. … READ MORE >
Productivity continues to rise in potential game changer for economy
The increase in productivity has most likely been a catalyst for both robust economic growth and disinflation over the past year. … READ MORE >
Uncertainty, policy choices and the prospects for middle market investment
Stubbornly high inflation and rising interest rates are creating a pervasive sense of uncertainty among business owners and investors that has left policymakers with few good options. … READ MORE >
CHART OF THE DAY: Increase in productivity can’t mask need for long-term miracle
The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released third-quarter productivity data that reinforced our view that a recovery from the depths of the economic shutdown is indeed underway. But in the long term, the U.S. still needs a productivity miracle. … READ MORE >
In the long run, U.S. needs a productivity miracle
The Congressional Budget Office recently published its long-term budget outlook for 2020. Beneath the outlook’s headline of rising debt-to-GDP ratios are significant policy challenges facing the U.S. economy. … READ MORE >