The lack of the child tax credit may impact consumption. Ensuring the right products are available will be key to retailers’ sustained growth. … READ MORE >
child tax credit
In case of emergency break glass: Reviving the enhanced child tax credit to ease inflation
With a robust economy and tax revenues surging, policymakers can look at measures to mitigate further stress on lower-income households caused by rising food, fuel and goods prices. … READ MORE >
Enhanced child tax credit was a game-changer for families, and the economy
Even as the economy slowed in the third quarter as the delta variant took hold, that slowdown would have been far worse if not for the enhanced child tax credit that was introduced on July 15. … READ MORE >
Chart of the day: How the enhanced child tax credit expands outlays on food, shelter and books
The data shows that the policy is providing an increase in spending among those with the highest marginal propensity to consume—the very people who are intended to benefit from the child tax credit. And that spending has a multiplier effect, leading to a boost in overall economic activity. … READ MORE >
Child tax credit: Potential game changer for American families
The checks being sent to families under the expanded child tax credit will provide an additional boost to overall spending at a time with rising risks to the spending outlook linked to the spread of the delta variant. … READ MORE >