If July’s retail sales are any indication, this year’s holiday sales will be largely focused on individual product categories and consumer spending by income level. … READ MORE >
Mike Graziano
Consumer products M&A cooled in the first half
Merger and acquisition activity among consumer products companies took a breather in the first half of the year as valuations were reset amid rising interest rates. … READ MORE >
July retail sales show upside surprise, helped by discounting and back-to-school events: RSM analyst perspective
Retail sales rose 0.7% in July from the prior month, beating analysts’ expectations for a 0.4% rise, likely driven by a series of July discount events at major retailers and the start of back-to-school shopping. The rise marked the fourth consecutive month of increases.
Stripping out spending on gas, food, autos and building materials, retail sales increased by 1.0%, double analysts’ expectations for a 0.5% increase, according to Commerce Department data released Tuesday. This control group is a key barometer for discretionary spending. … READ MORE >
U.S. inventories are growing at twice the rate of sales
The surge in inventories raises the risk that firms will be caught with excess supplies just as demand begins to slow down this year. … READ MORE >